Rendered image of a Bunk House

Bunk House Type 2

Bunk House

Bunk House Type 2

Bunk House
$129,065.60 (ex. GST.)*

* Prices do not include delivery, footings, site connections or any council fees etc...
Please contact us for more info.
Rooms 3
Bathroom 1x Female, 1x Male
Per Room 11.5sqm
Bathroom 12.5sqm
Decking & Ramp 26.19sqm
Total Area 74.21sqm
Inclusion Highlights:
Quality fixtures & fittings throughout
Built in lockable robes
Ceiling fans throughout
Fly Screens to all opening windows
Separate Male & Female bathrooms
Hardwood timber decking
Disabled ramp to AS 1428.1 2009
Colorbond Roof
Stainless steel wire balustrading
Instantaneous gas hot water system
NB: No Furniture included.